Casting Shadows

There is this space…stuck inside.  Making it hard to breathe.  Making my heart hurt.

It sometimes feels like my very own black hole. 

Its name is fear.

The fear is of something outside of me. Not connected.  Not real.

Real only in my mind.

It casts shadows.  Shadows that hide my connection with self.  Shadows that hide joy and wholeness.

Can I move beyond the shadows with my arms open wide?  No limitations.  No fears.  Only vast possibility beyond shadows.

Oh. To finally let go.  To hold it out.  Observe it.  Study it. 

And never own it again.        


How can you transform the very thing that holds you back?

  • While journaling may or may not be your thing, do it.  Change comes gradually.  Sometimes slowly enough that we don’t see the changes.  One day – we’re simply transformed. TaDa! Journaling will help you reflect on the journey. Remind you of what you learned along the way and help you celebrate what you so joyfully claimed. 

  • That means the journey is often one of baby steps.  Small steps make the journey more manageable and sustainable.  And small steps add up to big change.  Stay strong! 

  • Transformation requires we learn new things.  Things like being in the moment and not worrying about what you only imagine. Besides, most of what we worry about never happens. What a waste of energy!

  • Fake it!  Your brain doesn’t know what is real and what is fake. Just remember you’ve been fooling your brain with fear all along. Now you’re just changing the game.  A game that makes you a happier person! 

  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  You’re entering unknown territory.  One way to handle the discomfort – think of it as an adventure.  Oh, what wonderful things you’re going to see and get to do!

AND trust yourself.  Hold tight.  You got this.


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