Not Letting Life Live Me

What if everything came down to this very moment? Who I am. Whom I love. What I did. What didn’t I hold onto?

What might that moment look like? That moment of glorious clarity and stillness. Would I be satisfied with the choices I made? Was I free enough to take risks and fly? Can I be grateful for what I have? Because, in reality, it’s all I need. It’s all I’ll ever need.

So, was I totally here? Alive in this very precious and unique moment?

Too often these moments slip away. Moving too fast to slow down and see, feel, and be. What could possibly be more important than being here – now – soaking life up? All of it – moment by moment.

Intentions. It boils down to living a life of intentions. Not letting life live me.

And when life is lived in full moments, moment following each wonderful moment. I am present with possibilities. I live my purpose. Not running so fast the possible is missed time and time again.

Purpose lies in the moments found in an intentional life. A life that chooses whom I intend to be.

And whom I intend to be, guides what I do and why I do it.

Life is fleeting. As the saying goes – none of us get out of here alive. Will we be remembered for the moments when life was fully embraced? Or those times when we moved so fast, we missed the beauty.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” — Oscar Wilde


What Good Doers Are We


Why does fear leave us bare and keep us from living our truth?